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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Applying the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Applying the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) in Report Processing

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a foundational concept in object-oriented programming that advocates for classes to have only one reason to change. This principle promotes modular, readable, and maintainable code by ensuring that each class or module encapsulates only one responsibility or behavior.

Example Scenario

In our scenario, we have a reporting system responsible for processing various report items asynchronously. To uphold the SRP, we aim to refactor our report processing logic into distinct components that each fulfill a specific responsibility, such as data encapsulation, processing orchestration, and logging.


1. ReportItem Class

public class ReportItem
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public ReportItemStatus Status { get; set; }
    public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

The ReportItem class represents a report item entity, encapsulating properties like IdNameStatus, and ErrorMessage. This class is solely responsible for managing data related to a report item.

2. ReportProcessor Class

public class ReportProcessor
    private readonly IReportService _reportService;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public ReportProcessor(IReportService reportService, ILogger logger)
        _reportService = reportService;
        _logger = logger;

    public async Task ProcessReportItemAsync(Guid itemId)
        var item = await _reportService.GetReportItemAsync(itemId);

        if (item == null || item.Status != ReportItemStatus.Pending)
            _logger.LogWarning($"Report item with ID {itemId} is not available for processing.");

            _logger.LogInformation($"Processing report item: {item.Name}");

            item.Status = ReportItemStatus.Processing;
            await _reportService.UpdateReportItemAsync(item);

            await SimulateReportProcessingAsync(item);

            item.Status = ReportItemStatus.Completed;
            await _reportService.UpdateReportItemAsync(item);

            _logger.LogInformation($"Report item processed successfully: {item.Name}");
        catch (Exception ex)
            item.Status = ReportItemStatus.Failed;
            item.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            await _reportService.UpdateReportItemAsync(item);

            _logger.LogError($"Failed to process report item: {item.Name}. Error: {ex.Message}");

    private async Task SimulateReportProcessingAsync(ReportItem item)
        // Simulate report processing

The ReportProcessor class is dedicated to processing report items asynchronously. It utilizes an injected IReportService for data retrieval and updates and an ILogger for logging processing outcomes and errors. This class demonstrates a clear responsibility focused on orchestrating the report processing workflow.

3. Interfaces

public interface IReportService
    Task<ReportItem> GetReportItemAsync(Guid itemId);
    Task UpdateReportItemAsync(ReportItem item);

public interface ILogger
    void LogInformation(string message);
    void LogWarning(string message);
    void LogError(string message);

Interfaces like IReportService and ILogger define contracts for interacting with report data and logging actions, respectively. Leveraging interfaces promotes loose coupling, facilitates dependency injection for enhanced testability, and enables flexibility in swapping implementations.


In this example, we've refactored our report processing logic to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Each class (ReportItemReportProcessor) embodies a distinct responsibility, such as data encapsulation or processing orchestration. Meanwhile, interfaces (IReportServiceILogger) facilitate decoupling and abstraction, fostering maintainable and extensible code.

By applying SRP, we've established a modular and maintainable design where each component is dedicated to a specific aspect of report processing. This design approach enhances code clarity, adaptability to changing requirements, and adherence to best practices in software design and architecture. Ultimately, embracing SRP contributes to a cleaner and more manageable codebase, promoting robustness and scalability in our reporting system.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Unveiling the Power of Microsoft CRM Managed Solutions

In the rapidly evolving landscape of CRM and app development, Microsoft has continuously stood out with its innovative solutions. Among these, the Managed Solution in Microsoft CRM emerges as a pivotal tool, streamlining the customization and deployment processes. In this unified guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of MS CRM Managed Solutions and Solution Layers, exploring their significance and understanding the latest changes related to Power Apps.

Managed Solutions and Their Key Components:

Managed Solutions play a crucial role as packaged containers for customizations and configurations, offering a structured approach to bundle, distribute, and deploy components across various environments. The primary components encapsulated within Managed Solutions include:
  1. Entities: Custom entities defining data structures, accommodating customer-specific or industry-specific data models.
  2. Processes and Workflows: Automation components ensuring standardized operations and enhanced efficiency.
  3. Forms and Views: User interface customization elements for a seamless CRM experience.
  4. Web Resources and Scripts: Enhancing visual and functional aspects through images, scripts, and stylesheets.

Solution Layers: Structuring Customizations with Precision

Solution Layers, a fundamental concept within Managed Solutions, facilitate a structured approach to customization. By organizing components into layers such as Base, Sales, and Service, developers can create solutions that are easily extended, modified, or replaced without impacting core functionality.

Example Scenario:

Consider XYZ Corp, implementing a Managed Solution in their CRM environment. This solution includes custom entities for tracking customer feedback, automated workflows for managing support tickets, and tailored forms for an intuitive user interface. Solution Layers are utilized to categorize these customizations, ensuring a systematic and organized deployment.

Latest Changes and Power App Integration:

In alignment with Microsoft's commitment to innovation, recent updates have introduced significant changes related to Power Apps within the CRM ecosystem. 

Notable enhancements include:
  1. Unified Interface Enhancements: Substantial improvements to the Unified Interface for Power Apps and Dynamics 365 applications, focusing on performance optimization and enhanced customization capabilities.
  2. Dataverse Integration: Deeper integration of Dataverse, the underlying data platform for Power Apps, streamlining data management with a unified data schema for both Power Apps and CRM customizations.
  3. Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) Advancements: Empowering developers to create richer and more interactive customizations through improved capabilities and extensibility.

Updating Managed Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Applying the Upgrade or Update in the Target Environment:

  1. Development Environment Preparation
    • Open the unmanaged solution and customize components as needed.
  2. Version Incrementation:
    • Increment version numbers when exporting the solution as a managed solution.
  3. Solution Update:
    • Sign into Power Apps, select the target environment, and navigate to "Solutions" in the left navigation pane.
    • Choose "Import" on the command bar and browse to locate the compressed file.
  4. Solution Action Options:
    • Options include "Upgrade," "Stage for Upgrade," and "Update," each serving specific purposes in the update process.
  5. Post Import Actions:
    • Decide on post-import actions, such as enabling plug-in steps and flows included in the solution.
  6. Import Confirmation:
    • Wait for the import to complete and review the results.

Advanced Insights: Version Numbers, Component Removal, and Customization Overwrites

Understanding Version Numbers for Updates:

  • A solution's version follows format. Updates must have higher version numbers than the parent solution.
Removing a Managed Component:
  • Options include upgrading the solution in the development environment or deleting the managed solution, each serving specific use cases.
Overwrite Customizations Option:
  • Caution is advised when using the "Overwrite Customizations" option, as it can impact unmanaged customizations on components.

Navigating the intricate realm of Microsoft CRM Managed Solutions requires a holistic approach. By understanding the core components, leveraging Solution Layers, and staying updated on the latest changes related to Power Apps, businesses can ensure a seamless and efficient customization deployment in their CRM environments. Always exercise caution and follow best practices, especially when making decisions that involve updating solutions, managing dependencies, or overwriting customizations. The power to tailor CRM environments to specific needs lies at the fingertips of those who grasp the nuances of Managed Solutions and their evolving capabilities.

Additional Recommendations: Use a single publisher for all solutions across environments.

Mastering Dependency Injection in C# and ASP.NET Web API: A Comprehensive Guide


Dependency Injection (DI) is a powerful design pattern that promotes clean, modular, and maintainable code by injecting dependencies into classes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Dependency Injection in the context of C# and ASP.NET Web API. We'll cover the basics, delve into testing, maintenance, and swapping implementations, and showcase different injection methods, including constructor, property, and method injection. Let's embark on a journey to master Dependency Injection and its real-world applications.

What is Dependency Injection?

At its core, Dependency Injection involves injecting dependencies into a class from an external source, fostering a loosely coupled architecture. This pattern enhances code readability, testability, and maintainability. 

Let's start by examining a simple example:

public interface IDataService
    string GetData();

public class DataService : IDataService
    public string GetData()
        return "Hello from DataService!";

public class MyController : ApiController
    private readonly IDataService _dataService;

    // Constructor injection
    public MyController(IDataService dataService)
        _dataService = dataService;

    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        string data = _dataService.GetData();
        return Ok(data);

In this example, the MyController class relies on the IDataService interface through constructor injection.

Testing with Dependency Injection:

One of the significant benefits of Dependency Injection is its positive impact on testing. By injecting dependencies, we can seamlessly replace real implementations with mock or fake implementations during unit testing. Consider the following extension to our example:

public class FakeDataService : IDataService
    public string GetData()
        return "Mocked data for testing!";

public class MyControllerTests
    public void GetData_ReturnsCorrectData()
        // Arrange
        IDataService fakeDataService = new FakeDataService();
        MyController controller = new MyController(fakeDataService);

        // Act
        IHttpActionResult result = controller.Get();

        // Assert
        // Add assertions based on the expected behavior of the controller
        // using the fakeDataService

This demonstrates how Dependency Injection facilitates testing by allowing us to use a fake implementation for isolated unit tests.

Maintaining Code with Dependency Injection:

Dependency Injection simplifies code maintenance by reducing the impact of changes to dependencies. If you need to modify or extend a dependency, adjustments are made in the composition root, where dependencies are configured and injected. Consider the scenario where we switch from DataService to a new implementation, NewDataService:

// Updated composition root
container.RegisterType<IDataService, NewDataService>();

// No changes needed in MyController

This showcases how Dependency Injection minimizes the ripple effect of changes, making the codebase more maintainable.

Swapping Implementations with Ease:

The flexibility of Dependency Injection shines when swapping implementations for different scenarios or environments. Configuration adjustment

// In production
container.RegisterType<IDataService, DataService>();

// In testing
container.RegisterType<IDataService, FakeDataService>();

// In staging
container.RegisterType<IDataService, AnotherDataService>();

This flexibility allows the application to adapt seamlessly to various environments or use cases.

Additional Injection Methods:

Property Injection:

In addition to constructor injection, Dependency Injection supports property injection. In the following example, the dependency is injected through a public property:

public class MyController : ApiController
    public IDataService DataService { get; set; }

    // Property injection
    public MyController()

    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        string data = DataService.GetData();
        return Ok(data);

This is useful in scenarios where constructor injection may not be feasible.

Method Injection:

Dependency Injection can also be achieved through method injection. Here, the dependency is injected directly into the method:

public class MyController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Get(IDataService dataService)
        string data = dataService.GetData();
        return Ok(data);

This method allows dependencies to be injected only when needed.

Using Dependency Injection Framework (Autofac):

Using a Dependency Injection framework such as Autofac can further streamline the process. Here's a simplified example:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// Register dependencies
// Additional registrations for FakeDataService, AnotherDataService, etc.

// Build the container
var container = builder.Build();

// Resolve dependencies
var myController = container.Resolve<MyController>();

This illustrates how frameworks automate the creation and management of object instances, enhancing scalability and maintainability.


Mastering Dependency Injection in C# and ASP.NET Web API is a crucial skill for building robust and maintainable software. By understanding the principles of Dependency Injection and applying them to various scenarios, developers can create code that is more modular, testable, and adaptable. Whether you are writing unit tests, maintaining existing code, or adapting to different environments, Dependency Injection provides a powerful toolset for achieving cleaner, modular, and more efficient software architectures.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Resolving CRM Online LINQ Query Failures: A Deep Dive into a Strange SQL Error

Introduction: In the world of Microsoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM) online systems, encountering errors during LINQ queries can be a frustrating experience. Recently, our team faced a particularly perplexing issue where a LINQ Query failed, throwing an enigmatic SQL error. The error message provided little information, leaving us scratching our heads. In this blog post, we’ll share our journey in troubleshooting and ultimately resolving this issue.

The Error: Here’s the error message that had us stumped:

"Message": "An error has occurred.",
"ExceptionMessage": "Sql error: Generic SQL error. CRM ErrorCode: -2147204784 Sql ErrorCode: -2146232060 Sql Number: 207",
"ExceptionType": "System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]"

Initial Investigation: Our first step was to reach out to the Microsoft support team for assistance. After providing them with the network trace and Fiddler log, they uncovered an interesting lead — an error related to customer insight fields. Intrigued, we dove deeper into our CRM system.

Discovery: Upon scrutinizing the CRM fields and relationships, we discovered that the mentioned fields did exist, but here’s the catch — they were no longer in use. Puzzled by this revelation, we recalled a past instance where we had created a customer insight instance for testing purposes. Subsequently, we reset (deleted) it using Microsoft’s recommended method.

However, it seems that not everything was cleanly deleted. Some fields and relationships lingered behind, causing a ripple effect leading to the LINQ Query failure.

Bug Identified: This anomaly in the deletion process hinted at a bug related to the interaction between customer insights and CRM links. It became apparent that when encountering the cryptic SQL error mentioned earlier, the first course of action should be to check for unused fields or relationships.

Resolution: Armed with this knowledge, we undertook a systematic cleanup process. We meticulously combed through our CRM system, identifying and deleting any remnants of fields or relationships that were no longer in use. Once this cleanup was completed, we re-executed the LINQ Query, and lo and behold, the error vanished.

Conclusion: The journey from a vague SQL error to a resolution taught us the importance of thorough system cleanup, especially when dealing with interconnected modules like customer insights and CRM. If you ever encounter a LINQ Query failure with a similar error, consider this blog post as your guide to troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

Remember, the devil is in the details — sometimes, the remnants of past testing can come back to haunt your queries. Happy coding

Sunday, December 25, 2022

How to Become a CRM Developer for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online is a cloud-based CRM system that helps businesses manage customer relationships and interactions across various channels. As a CRM developer for Dynamics 365 Online, you will be responsible for building custom solutions and integrations using the Dynamics 365 platform. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a Dynamics 365 developer, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Gain a solid understanding of computer programming concepts: Dynamics 365 developers need to have a strong foundation in computer programming concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and software design principles. Consider taking online courses or earning a degree in computer science or a related field to gain these skills. Some resources to help you learn these concepts include:

Coursera (

Khan Academy (

Code Academy (

2. Learn a programming language: Dynamics 365 developers typically use a programming language such as C# and .NET to build custom solutions for the platform. Choose a language that you are interested in learning and start practicing with online tutorials and exercises. Some resources to help you learn C# and .NET include:

Microsoft Visual Studio (

C# Fundamentals on Pluralsight (

C# Programming Yellow Book (

3. Familiarize yourself with Dynamics 365 concepts: It's important to have a solid understanding of Dynamics 365 concepts and how they are used in business. Some topics to consider learning include customer segmentation, sales processes, and marketing automation. You can find more information on Dynamics 365 concepts and features on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 website (

4. Get experience working with Dynamics 365: Look for opportunities to work with Dynamics 365, whether through internships, part-time jobs, or freelance projects. This will give you practical experience working with the platform and help you build your skills and portfolio.

5. Consider earning a certification: Earning a certification, such as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer Associate certification, can demonstrate your skills and knowledge to potential employers and help you stand out in the job market. You can find more information on Dynamics 365 certifications on the Microsoft Learning website (

6. Stay up-to-date on industry trends: As with any field, the CRM industry is constantly evolving. Make sure to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices for Dynamics 365 by reading industry blogs, attending conferences, and participating in online communities. Some resources to help you stay informed include:

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 blog (

The Dynamics 365 User Group (

Stack Overflow (

7. Create a trial version of Dynamics 365 Online: If you want to try out Dynamics 365 Online and get a feel for the platform, you can create a trial version using the following steps:

1. Go to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 website ( and click on the "Try it now" button.

2. On the next page, select the "Try Dynamics 365 for free" option.

3. Sign in with your Microsoft account, or create a new one if you don't have one.

4. Fill in the required information, including your name, company name, and email address.

5. Accept the terms and conditions, and then click on the "Sign up" button.

6. You will receive an email with a link to activate your trial. Click on the link and follow the instructions to complete the activation process.

7. Once your trial is activated, you can log in to Dynamics 365 Online and start exploring the platform. You will have access to all of the features and functionality of the full version of Dynamics 365, but your trial will expire after 30 days.

Security Features in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer service activities. To ensure the security of the platform and the data stored on it, Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online offers a variety of security features.

1. Encryption: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online uses SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to encrypt and decrypt data and log files in real time, helping to protect customer databases at rest. As of December 2017, Microsoft recommends securing the encryption keys used for TDE on the Azure Secure Vault (HSM). This allows you to generate and manage your own encryption keys, and upload them to an Azure Key Vault controlled by Microsoft.

2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): MFA or 2FA is a security measure that requires an additional method of verifying your identity, such as a one-time code sent to your phone or a security app, in addition to your password. Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online includes basic MFA, but you may need to purchase Azure AD Premium licenses for additional MFA options.

3. Pen testing: Microsoft conducts server-level penetration testing to ensure the security of Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online. These tests are designed to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in the system, and the results are used to improve the security of the platform.

4. Data center security: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online is hosted on Microsoft Azure, which has a number of security measures in place to protect the data centers that host the platform. These measures include physical security, network security, and data protection. Azure also undergoes regular security audits and assessments to ensure that it meets industry standards and regulations.

5. Compliance: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online meets a number of industry and government standards and regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001. This helps to ensure that the platform is secure and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

6. Data backup and recovery: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online includes data backup and recovery capabilities to help protect against data loss. In the event of a data loss or disaster, you can restore your data from a backup to minimize the impact on your business.

7. Access control: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online includes access control features to help you manage who has access to your data and what they can do with it. This includes role-based security, which allows you to assign different levels of access to different users or groups, and data visibility controls, which allow you to specify which data is visible to which users.

8. Activity logging: Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online includes activity logging to help you track changes to your data and identify any potential security issues. You can view the logs to see who made changes to your data and when, and use this information to help detect and prevent security breaches.

9. Security updates: It is important to keep your Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online instance and any associated apps up to date with the latest security updates to protect against vulnerabilities and threats. Microsoft regularly releases security updates for Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online to help protect against new threats and vulnerabilities.

For more information on the security of Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online, visit the following links:

Migrate Dynamics CRM 365 Online to Dynamics CRM 365 On-Premise — Summary

Migrating from Dynamics CRM 365 Online to Dynamics CRM 365 On-Premise can be a complex process, but it is often necessary for organizations that need to access data offline or comply with certain regulations. The migration process involves transferring data, configurations, and customizations from the cloud-based version to the on-premise version, which is installed and run on a local server.

The first step in the migration process is to prepare the on-premise environment by installing and configuring the Dynamics CRM server, setting up Active Directory, and preparing the SQL Server database. Next, data must be exported from the online version of Dynamics CRM using the Dynamics CRM Data Migration Manager. This tool allows users to select the data they want to export and specify a location for the exported files.

Once the data has been exported, it can be imported into the on-premise version of Dynamics CRM using the Import Data Wizard. This tool guides users through the process of mapping the data from the exported files to the appropriate fields in the on-premise version.

After the migration is complete, it is important to test the migrated data to ensure that it has been transferred correctly and that the on-premise version of Dynamics CRM is functioning properly. By following the steps outlined in this blog post and carefully planning and executing the migration process, organizations can successfully migrate from Dynamics CRM 365 Online to Dynamics CRM 365 On-Premise.

chamara iresh's Blog: Migrate Dynamics CRM 365 Online to Dynamics CRM 365 On-Premise

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