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Friday, July 5, 2013

Time-out occurs when you import large customization files into Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Open CRM Web site from IIS Server.

Right-click the Web.config file, click Open With, and then click Notepad.

Go to the below line

Change it to maxRequestLength=”20000”

Change executionTimeout="3600"

This is has worked for me.

Important: After completing the action that requires the above changes to the web.config file, these parameters should be reset to their default values. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rich Text Editor TinyMCE with CRM 2011 Rollup 12,13,14

WYSIWYG Editor is not working with CRM 2011 roll-up 12,13,14.
So this would be perfect alternative.

Rich Text Editor (TinyMCE)

Version 1.0.0021 includes an updated TinyMCE rich text editor version 3.5.8 that resolves issues occuring on CRM with Update Rollup 12 applied

This product is provided to the Adxstudio community at no cost.

Adxstudio Productivity Pack is a suite of customizations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM® 2011, useful across a wide range of CRM applications. :

Configuration Guide has the information .
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Sri Lanka .NET 
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