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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Setup Windows Service in .net 4.0 with Windows 2008 R2

Setup Windows Service
1.       Go to Visual Studio Command Prompt

2. Run it as Administrator

 3.Get the Path of Service exe

Eg: C:\Projects\Import.Service\bin\x86\Debug
4. Direct to that Service path

5. Service can be installed by using installutil [ServiceExe] in command prompt
installutil [ServiceExe]

Eg: installutil CentrSource.OfferImport.Service.exe
And can be uninstall by using
installutil /u [ServiceExe]
Eg: installutil /u CentrSource.OfferImport.Service.exe

Once Service is installed,following messages will be displayed

6 Go to the sieves menu in Administrative Tools

7. Configure it for Domain account.

8.Start the Serivce

10.Go the Visula Studio -->Debug --> Attach to Process

11.if the Service is stated successfully it will appear by service exe name.

Select the service and click  attached bttion.
After that service can be debug.
Sri Lanka .NET 
                Forum Member